Bristol Good Dog
Hall of Fame

Celebrating members achievements

Level One Graduates

A dog in the city

Louise & Mingus

A black dog with an orange bandana

Mike, Sophie & Scout

Romanian rescue dog doing hoopers dog sport

Natalie & Badger

A dog in the city

Kyla, Tom & Pebble

Romanian rescue dog doing hoopers dog sport

Emilly & Spencer

Romanian rescue dog doing hoopers dog sport

Tina & Amber

A sprollie dog posing with his owners

Lynne & Freddie Willmott

Level Two Graduates

A sprollie dog posing with his owners

Phil, Kathy & Dillon

Kate & Mango

Ryan, Katherine & Obi

Level Three Graduates

A sprollie dog posing with his owners

Billy, Ella & Doug

No one here yet!

No one here yet!

Bristol Good Dog Classes, our program for the Perfect Pet dog.

Does it work?


Billy, Ella & Doug

"Doug has recently hit his teenage phase, we thought it was best to go back to basics, so we tried out the new Bristol Good Dog Classes.

These have massively aided us in nailing down basic principles that make our every day life as dog parents easier.

We would encourage anyone with a dog, any age or breed, to give the classes a go. The skills we have developed through Hound+ classes are priceless and have ensured we enjoy our time as dog parents."

Louise & Mingus

"Bristol Good Dog classes are just what Mingus and his humans needed: obedience classes with structure and goals to work towards. And everything Mingus has learned has turned out to be really useful in real life. It’s been a game changer!"

Kathy, Phil & Dillon

"I was so pleased to have found HoundPlus dog training. Our Romanian rescue dog, Dillon, has come on leaps and bounds since we started training with the team. Would totally recommend HoundPlus to anyone just wanting to improve their dogs obedience or just have fun with their pal."